Friday, February 12, 2016


It’s that time of year again. The time when students scramble to find the best internships for the summer. They scour the Internet for opportunities that will provide them with the best experience they could ask for. The major obstacle that these students will face in their search is the competition. Everyone wants a great internship, a good resume builder, a foot in the door of the public relations industry. So how do you make sure that you’re the one to get it?
Plan Early
Make a spreadsheet of places you’d like to apply and contacts you may have there. To find the right opportunities, Use the Internet and your university to your advantage. If you can, try to narrow your search to a specific area of expertise. It’ll make it easier on yourself when applying. Go to your career center at your school as a resource; they are there for your benefit…Use them!
Stand Out
Be different. Make your resume bold and interesting. Make your cover letter out of the ordinary. The big names in the industry receive thousands of applications. It’s like applying for college all over. Make yourself an asset that they can’t afford to pass up.
Start Small
Another way to go about it is to apply to the small PR companies that may be able to give you more attention and responsibilities during your internship experience. Working with a small company can be as valuable to your learning experience as working with a big company. Especially in sophomore and junior year, use your internship to learn more about PR and its real world implications. Work your way up to the big leagues. By the time you apply to the bigger companies, you’ll have great experience to show off.
Use Your Connections
Some people may be wary to reach out to professionals in the industry, believing they’ll be a nuisance or simply not knowing how to go about it. These people are your life-lines and best advocates you can find. To have someone pass along your resume is a simple, but powerful, step in the allocation process. It automatically puts you ahead of others because you have someone on the inside advocating for you. Keep up good connections with any alumni of professionals you can find. It’ll help you in the long run.
Nail the interview
After applying, and if a company is impressed with your resume, you’ll likely be asked to come in for an interview. Use all the communications skills you’ve learned to show your best self in the interview. Highlight your strengths and make it impossible for them to pass you up. Be cordial, professional and don’t forget to follow up after the interview to thank your interviewers for taking the time to meet with you. A simple thank you note goes a long way.
Brush off rejection
You know that you are qualified for the job, but with the abundance of applicants these companies receive, you may often face rejection. This isn’t a reflection of your worth or intelligence, it just means that there’s another opportunity out there for you. Rejection is what makes us stronger and is what helps us to learn and grow for the future. Never give up; try again the next year. And who knows. A closed door in one place could lead you to an even bigger open door elsewhere.

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